
This is the archive page

2023  5

June  1

Unlocking Cross-Platform Potential: Exploring the Power of Ionic Framework

 · 4 min · Pallavi Varandani

May  1

Understanding RESTful API: An In-depth Overview

 · 5 min · Pallavi Varandani

April  1

Compiling vs. Transpiling: Understanding the Differences and Examples

 · 3 min · Pallavi Varandani

March  2

What is Data? Unveiling the Essence of Information

 · 4 min · Pallavi Varandani

Revealing My Digital Haven: Introducing a Sanctuary for Expression

 · 1 min · Pallavi Varandani

2022  1

September  1

Tampermonkey: Enhancing Web Customization with Userscripts

 · 4 min · Pallavi Varandani

2021  1

May  1

Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming in Python: Building Blocks of Code Structure and Reusability

 · 4 min · Pallavi Varandani